The Christmas story – performed, narrated, and sung by Bärbel Maier and Peer Damminger
Ruth is the wife of the innkeeper in the smallest inn in Bethlehem. Because her husband Josia is chatting with people in the street, she has to work alone, hauling wood for the stove early in the morning and baking bread for the guests. And all this while she is pregnant.
As she kneads the dough, she recalls the night when Mary and Joseph knocked on the inn's door and found no place to stay. In the stable, they had to rest, and there, they gave birth to the baby Jesus, surrounded by oxen and donkeys.
Ruth sings, plays, and tells the story of the shepherds and the kings who visited the shabby stable to honor the child.
Sometimes a dough clump becomes the newborn baby Jesus, sometimes the fig turns into a shepherd's turban. Gradually, a nativity scene emerges on Ruth's dough board.
The play can also be performed in a larger version with five musicians from the State Philharmonic Orchestra of Rhineland-Palatinate.
"It came to pass in those days..." is a enchantingly imaginative theatrical-musical narrative of the Christmas story.
from 3 - 6 years
40 minutes, without break
Copyrights Bärbel Maier
Production 2005
With: Bärbel Maier und Peer Damminger
Dramatization: Bärbel Maier
Stage: Peer Damminger
Music: Stefanie Titus und Frank Ruppert
Costumes: Gabi Kinscherf
für Gruppen mit Voranmeldung