Our Plays

Play Based on a True Story

coming soon!

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German-Iranian co-production based on a story by Sharareh Tayar.

A puppet theater play about friendship and mindfulness


How the animals show a lazy farmer what a rake is!

After the picture book by Martin Waddell and Helen Oxenbury


After the classic by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

We are still more stars than idiots.


"A table drama without words about racism and exclusion."

Theatre suitable for audiences of all ages and also suitable for classroom performances


A play about a friendship that couldn't be better, based on a story by Rafik Schami.

A play about exclusion, courage, and solidarity.


Based on the children's book by Maritgen Matter

Ein Schauspiel über Cleverness, Skrupel und Anstand


A play based on an African fairy tale by Bärbel Maier

"A puppet theater play about bullying, courage, and kindness


A tale of giving and taking, having and happiness by Bärbel Maier

Play about self-discovery, letting go, and the courage to change


The Christmas story – performed, narrated, and sung

A play with music for Christmas


A small fable about big prejudices from a children's book by Dorothee Haentjes.

Puppet play about Emperor Penguins - Xenophobia - Prejudice.


A play for big and little sultans based on the children's book by Claudia Schreiber

A play about coming of age, setting boundaries, and parenting.


Schauspiel ohne Requisiten von Mahdi Farshidi Sepehr

Ein Theaterstück über Freiheit, Selbstbestimmung, Verantwortung und Videospiele


A classroom play for more tolerance based on the picture book by Kirsten Boie & Jutta Bauer
