In summer 2022, the KiTZ Theaterkumpanei received one of the first conceptual funding grants from the state, allowing the ensemble to conduct research and work abroad until the end of 2024.
From the press release of the state:
With the concept "Finding the Other Stories," the KiTZ Theaterkumpanei plans to research more diverse perspectives and a contemporary dialogical narrative in children's theater within a no-longer-white society.
The theater makers Bärbel Maier and Peer Damminger assert, "Diverse perspectives are essential for a appropriate engagement with our reality. Because we don't just describe our societies with our theater, with our narratives, we shape them!" Therefore, they embark on a journey, building on existing contacts with artists, networks, and contacts in Iran, Rwanda, and Portugal – with the intention to learn, foster genuine exchange, and establish a non-"white" perspective on society. This is to renew the theater formally and thematically for their culturally diverse audience at home.
Board's verdict: The KiTZ Theaterkumpanei presents an exciting concept that addresses a contemporary theme. The planned steps, clearly outlined in the character of a project, are suitable for sensitizing an audience and the society that surrounds it to the limitations of a "white" perspective on history and stories. In doing so, the artists build on existing networks and a long-established tradition of collaboration. The project emerges coherently from the artistic biographies of the applicants, demonstrating a deep effort to penetrate the chosen theme. After the completion of the three-year funding period, the development of a radiance is expected, which will significantly enrich the cultural scene and the coexistence of people in Rhineland-Palatinate.