Play Based on a True Story
1783. In the garden of the Palace of Versailles in France, three animals are sent into the sky. A duck, a rooster, and a ram float to dizzying heights in a hot air balloon. It is a time of great inventions. Of great discoveries. Of great upheavals. And Queen Marie Antoinette, unloved by the people throughout her life, is dependent on the success of the spectacle.
In fact, the three animals make it back down from the sky unharmed. Only the rooster has a small injury on its wing. At least that's what the history books say.
And almost the same in our company. With one small difference: In our theater, the ram kicks the bucket. It falls from the sky and bursts. And everyone asks: What happened? Who was it? The rooster? The duck? The sheep itself? Or, in the end, is the blame on the queen, sinking in a cloud of powder?
A play about lies, deceit, intrigue, and the certainty that true freedom lies above the clouds.
For ages 6 and up
50 minutes, no intermission
Performed by: Bärbel Maier and Peer Damminger
Text: Bärbel Maier
Stage: Peer Damminger
Costumes: Gabi Kinscherf
Photos: Joelle Oechsle
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